DOUBLES-TRIPLES TEST 1.To test the trailer service brakes you should: A. Lightly test brakes at 5 mph 2.It is dangerous to unlock the pintle hook with the dolly still under the rear trailer because: A. The dolly tow bar may fly up 3.When coupling twin trailers, you should release the dolly brakes by: A. Dropping the trailer onto the fifth wheel 4.When connecting the converter dolly to the rear trailer, you should remember to: A. Make sure trailer brakes are locked 5.When coupling the rear trailer, the correct trailer height is: A. Six inches of space between the upper and lower fifth wheel 6.To uncouple the converter dolly you should: A. Disconnect safety chains, lower the landing gear and chock the wheels 7.When pulling triple trailers, always put the heaviest trailer: A. In the front 8.When inspecting doubles, the shut off valves at the rear of the trailer should be: A. Open at the rear of front trailer, open at the rear of the last trailer 9.To check for air flow to the last trailer: A. Pull forward and step on brake pedal 10.To uncouple double trailers, you should park your rig: A. On a slight incline 11.You should test your tractor protection valve to avoid: A. The emergency brakes coming on due to loss of air 12.When pulling triple trailers, which unit is more likely to roll over: A. The front trailer 13.The stopping distance for a tractor trailer traveling 55 mph on dry pavement is: A. Longer than a football field, about 300 feet 14.When steering to avoid a crash while pulling doubles, remember to: A. Keep both hands on the steering wheel 15.A drive-wheel skid when pulling doubles could result in a jackknife when: A. The tractor brakes lock up
Correct answers (Prawidlowe odpowiedzi): 1. B All tests are provided for informational and hypothetical purposes only. Truck Driver Services/Kierowca.com shall not be liable for any errors in the content. Wszystkie testy zawarte na stronach Kierowca.com/Truck Driver Services maja jedynie charakter przykladowo - informacyjny. Nie jestesmy odpowiedzialni za ewentualne bledy w zawartosci merytorycznej testow. ____________________________________________________________________________________ |